Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I meant to write this in March

and now April is half passed! holy cow the time is flying around here. Slow down, Time! My highlights from March:
Whilst walking with Lulu along the chain link fence that runs alongside a graveyard, we discovered a pig. A pig in the graveyard. Lulu and the pig touched noses. I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran home to put Lulu in the yard so I could go back to get the pig and bring him to a safe place. The neighborhood kids were interested and followed me down the street like I was the Pied Piper. I was on a mission. But I could not catch the little piggy rascal. Animal Control came out and they chased the pig all over the cemetary. I wanted to keep him. He must have been somebody's pet...he was a little pot-bellied guy. Hope that his family finds him at the shelter. In my head, I named him Sampson.

I bought bamboo sheets for my bed. OH....MY.....GOD. These sheets are So Soft and they feel quite luxurious. I've never ever bought nice sheets before so I splurged a bit when I got my first paycheck from my new job. I have been sleeping so beautifully lately. Bamboo sheets are good for the soul. Also good for the environment as bamboo is a renewable resource AND it's naturally anti-bacterial. Love it!

Walking alot. Walking early on a Saturday morning. Walked to pick up my car at the mechanic. Maybe 3 miles. It was a gorgeous day and really made me remember how much I love walking. You get a different vibe for a city when you walk. My city is very laid back. It's not like walking in New York or anything. People don't really walk here because most things are too spread out. There used to be red trolley car but it was the first thing to go when the big oil men came to town. Sad.

Settling into my new job. Making a few friends and then finding out there are 6 other vegetarians at the office. I don't believe any of them are vegan like me but when they found out I was, they decided to throw a vegan potluck in my honor. We are having it next Friday. I feel so excited by this because A)these people are open and B)I feel respected and honored that they are doing this potluck.

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