Sunday, January 27, 2008

good deed indeed

I was walking with Lulu today after the rain stopped. I love the smell after a good rain. Anyways, we were walking up the street and I noticed a car with its headlights on in the driveway of a house I was passing by. There was no driver in the car. I don't know these people but technically I'd say they were "neighbors". They live around the corner and I walk by often. I paused and thought I should go ring the bell and let them know but then I just kept walking by. I kinda thought maybe they were about to leave but ran back into the house for something and they'll be back out to the car. I honestly thought, as we all have done at times, "that's someone else's problem".

On the way back home we passed by the house again and I paused again. The lights were still on. I thought of the last time my car battery died and I was stranded and missed work and it was a crappy day. I cringed at my memory and knew what I must do. I stomped up to the door like I was Wonder Woman or something (I honestly don't know why I had to walk so purposely) and knocked. An older man answered in his Sunday leisure suit (so cute). I could tell he was hesitant to answer the door. Nobody wants to be bothered by salespeople or worse, I could be some escaped crazy-ass dude from the hospital a few blocks away. Anyways, I told him what was up with his car. He was so thankful and I felt really good while I was walking away. I felt like skipping. So I did. Lulu looked at me sideways and seemed to want to skip too but working that out with four legs is quite a challenge. Maybe I should teach her how.

In doing a good deed today, I was reminded that I should always opt for helping out someone even if it's inconvenient or seems odd. It's way better than not doing it. Now that guy's car battery won't die tomorrow when he starts it up and it won't ruin his morning. Besides, if we aren't looking out for each other in our own communities, how do we expect to change the world? Who else will look out for us?

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

Yes, I agree! One day I saw a woman struggling to get her dog into the groomer shop within a pet supply place. The dog ran out the front door and the lady went chasing after him. I helped because she needed it. When I turned to leave there was a line of women at the register all smiling at me. One woman thanked me. My day was made, the lady with the dog was happy, and a line of ladies were smiling. Good is good.