Saturday, January 19, 2008

His name is Arlowe

This is my handsome new housemate! Well, my housemate's new dog I should say. She adopted him from a rescue in Long Beach. He's a year and a half old. He's a Brussels Griffon and if you actually read about this breed you will see they are often compared to Ewoks..which is hilarious because that is the first thing i said when I met him, that he looks like a little ewok face guy! He is! He's a real sweetie and gets along okay with Lulu, except for the fact that he doesn't like to run and play with her which annoys her greatly. Sorry, Lulu, you just get to run and play with me and the dogs at the park.

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

I was just looking at a Brussels Griffon at the animal shelter today. He had bug eyes, but I thought to myself that he looked like a bug-eyed Ewok.